St Thomas Results – 09/21
Here are the results from the ATA shoot held on Sept 21 at the St. Thomas Gun Club!
Dresden “Fall $500” September 29
There will be an ATA shoot at Dresden on September 29 with $500 in added money.
Special Event. Pre-squad on www.scoresr.com.
Make sure to attend this shoot at the “#1, 2-trap shooting destination east of the Rio Grande”!
Hamilton Gun Club – August 25th Program
Here is the program for the ATA Shoot at the Hamilton Gun Club on August 25th, 2024.
There is currently $1,008.00 in the OPTA Handicap Purse!
Ted Sabine Memorial
The 2024 Ted Sabine Memorial Shoot will take place August 18, 2024 at Waterford. Take a look at the program!
2024 Provincial Championships
THANK YOU to everyone who attended the 2024 Ontario Provincial Trapshooting Championships. CONGRATULATIONS to all winners. Our major event winners were:
Singles: Chris Tsementzis 199×200
Doubles: Peter Tsementzis 98×100
Handicap: Bill Wylie 97×100
High-All-Around: Chris Tsementzis 390×400
High-Over-All: Chris Tsementzis 961×100
Here is the COMPLETE list of winners, including AIM and all OPTA Added Money
TITSC Results June 23, 2024
Toronto International held an ATA shoot on June 23. High Scores were posted by
Singles: Adam Preece 98×100
Handicap: Andrew Cargnelli 92×100
Doubles: Adam Preece 94×100
Napanee ATA Shoot June 23/2024
Napanee will be holding an ATA shoot on June 24, 2024. Registration opens at 9:00am. Shooting starts at 9:30am.
Read the program for more details. It IS a “Champion of Champions” Qualifying Shoot.
“Dual Shoot for the Ages” Results/Payouts
Dresden and Oxford held a “Dual Shoot” on June 2 & 15th. Thanks to the sponsorship from Mott Liokossis, MelBarr Design, Tyler Kelly, and the OPTA, over $3,000 in added money was awarded.
Please see attached for winners and payouts! Congrats to John Van Heusden and Jeff Cartier who BOTH won the OPTA Handicap Purse by breaking a 50 straight.
Champion of Champions Qualifiers
Here is the list of “Champion of Champions” qualifiers to date. The winners for these categories and events will be decided on the FRIDAY of the 2024 Provincial Championships. There are FOUR more designated “Champion of Champion” Qualifying Shoots.
C of C Qualifiers as of June 10, 2024.